Beberemos 4 deliciosos vinos maridados con sabrosas tapas y asesorados por un experto sumiller.
El precio es de 20 € y, dado que las plazas son limitadas, os recomendamos que reservéis urgentemente enviando un e-mail a [email protected]
On FRIDAY, JUNE 28th at 21:15 we will host a great WINES & TAPAS EVENING in a wonderful venue: PLAZA MAYOR, specifically at TERRAZA ARRABAL (Plaza Mayor 23 – metro Sol,, reserved for us that night in a fun Madrilenian and international environment at the same time.
We will drink 4 delicious wines combined with tasty tapas and advised by an expert sommelier.
The price is 20 € and, as the places are limited, we recommend you to book asap by sending an e-mail to [email protected]