Beberemos 4 deliciosos vinos (1 blanco, 1 rosado y 2 tintos) maridados con 4 sabrosas tapas andaluzas y asesorados por un experto sumiller.
El precio es de 20€ y, dado que las plazas son limitadas, os recomendamos que reservéis urgentemente enviando un e-mail a [email protected]
On FRIDAY, JUNE 17th, at 9pm MadridBabel proposes a fun tasting of 4 great wines and nice tapas in our friendly international atmosphere, which will take place in the nice location of TABERNA DEL VOLAPIÉ DE RETIRO (Narváez 74 – metro Ibiza).
We will drink 4 delicious wines (1 white, 1 rosé and 2 red), combined with tasty Andalusian tapas and advised by an expert sommelier.
The price is €20 and, as the places are limited, we recommend you to book asap by sending an e-mail to [email protected]