Beberemos 4 deliciosos vinos de las famosas Bodegas Arzuaga, puntal de una de las mejores zonas vitivinícolas del mundo, acompañados por sabrosas tapas en nuestro amistoso y divertido ambiente internacional. Además, para poder apreciar mejor los vinos también contaremos con un experto sumiller.
Por su parte, en el plano artístico tendremos al cotizado pintor César Pérez Torres (,una de cuyas obras se sorteará entre todos los asistentes, así como alguna que otra botella de vino.
El precio es de 20 € y, dado que las plazas son limitadas, os recomendamos que reservéis urgentemente enviando un e-mail a [email protected]
On Friday, April 22nd, at 21:15 MadridBabel proposes a fun tasting of great Ribera del Duero wines and nice tapas in a special artistic environment, which will take place in the beautiful location of CR15 (Costa Rica 15 – metro Colombia, with valet parking).
We will drink 4 delicious wines from Bodegas Arzuaga, founding fathers of one of the most fashionable quality wine regions in the world, combined with tasty tapas in our friendly and fun international atmosphere. Furthermore, an expert sommelier will help us to better appreciate the wines.
For the artistic touch we will be accompanied by the quoted painter César Pérez Torres ( At the end of the evening a piece of his artwork and some bottles of wine will be raffled off to the attendants.
The price is 20 € and, as the places are limited, we recommend you to book asap by sending an e-mail to [email protected]