Beberemos 4 deliciosos vinos (1 blanco, 1 rosado y 2 tintos) de la prestigiosa bodega riojana AZPILICUETA (, maridados con sabrosas tapas en nuestro amistoso ambiente internacional.
El precio es de 20 € y, dado que las plazas son limitadas, os recomendamos que reservéis urgentemente enviando un e-mail a [email protected]
On FRIDAY, JANUARY 17th, at 21:00 MadridBabel proposes a fun tasting of great Rioja wines and nice tapas, which will take place in the nice location of TASTE GALLERY (Plaza de San Miguel 8, behind San Miguel Market– metro Sol u Ópera).
We will drink 4 delicious wines (1 white, 1 rosé y 2 red) from the prestigious Rioja winery AZPILICUETA ( combined with tasty tapas in our friendly international atmosphere.
The price is 20 € and, as the places are limited, we recommend you to book asap by sending an e-mail to [email protected]